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our services

Physical Security


Syfa Solutions specialises in assisting organisations in achieving the highest levels of physical security needed to mitigate their identified risks. Focusing on understanding an organisation's threats ensures the physical security controls we recommend are targeted at prevention, detection and containment of these threats.

Syfa Solutions works with Australian Government agencies and corporations' alike using Government (SCEC) and International standards to ensure better practice and compliance are embraced in any solutions provided.

Syfa Solutions have highly qualified and experienced consultants to work with your staff to ensure your physical security systems are well designed and implemented.

Security Governance


We have two key mottos at Syfa Solutions:-


"Good Security = Good Management"; and

"If you can't measure it - you can't manage it".....


Syfa Solutions can assist you develop an Information Security Management System (ISMS) to International standards. An ISMS will ensure your governance over security is robust, measurable and repeatable. Once the system is in place, Syfa Solutions can also participate in the process to ensure the system continues to be effective at monitoring your security position against your identified risks.

Managing security risk is essential as it identifies where your vulnerabilities are and focusses your budget on relevant controls.

Cyber Security


Threats change quickly in Cyberspace and staying on top of it all is more than a full time job! Syfa Solutions can assist you in developing strategies to protect your valuable information assets from even the most sophisticated attacks.

Working with ACSC's ISM, Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents and International management standards (27000) will ensure your organisation stays on top of the situation.

Syfa Solutions works within ASD's IRAP program to ensure your ICT systems comply with Australian Government standards. Syfa will work closely with your team to implement an accreditation plan to achieve compliance to these standards.

Radiation Security


The use of radioactive security enhanced sources requires an organisation to be licensed in the states that they operate in. The ARPANSA Code of Practice RPS 11 forms the basis of state legislation governing the use and transport of these controlled materials.

Syfa Solutions has a qualified and licensed Radiation Security Assessor who can review and endorse the required Source Security Plan and Source Transport Security Plans required under your license.

Syfa Solutions can also conduct threat and risk assessments to inform these documents and even assist in writing these plans should your organisation not have these resources in house.

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